It still makes my heart swell to know that Mike is still so ingrained in our lives. To celebrate Halloween which will never be the same post Thriller - I've got some GREAT Facts from OMG FACTS - they were doing a great OMG MJ FACTS! Enjoy:
From Friday to Sunday 2010: "Thriller," which features a spooky spoken part by the late actor Vincent Price, has sold nearly 2.5 million digital copies.
George Lucas' daughter's first words were "Michael Jackson".
In September of 1986, a library in L.A. says it will ignore overdue book fines from MJ if he agrees to return them autographed.
Michael Jackson is the artist with the most fans on Facebook with over 20 million.
in 1995, MJ crashes the internet by participating in his first formal cyberchat via AOL. He answers questions for 1 hour.
in 1991, a disguised MJ tries to make a purchase at Disneyland with his credit card. He moonwalks to prove his identity.
During the writing of "Billie Jean," MJ was so consumed that one day while driving he failed to notice his car was on fire.
"Ben" was originally intended for Donny Osmond but writer Don Black decided Michael Jackson would do a better job of singing it.
Someone accidentally knocked on the studio door while "Beat It" was being recorded. MJ decided to leave the knock in the song.
On June 1st 1991, Temptations member David Ruffin dies of a drug overdose. MJ covers a large portion of his funeral costs.
Because microphones didn't lower far enough for a kid his age, a young MJ had to stand on an apple crate in order to reach them.
On May 6th 1992, Michael Jackson quietly covers the funeral expenses for Ramon Sanchez, a student killed during the L.A. riots.
MJ's "Black or White" short film was broadcast simultaneously in 27 countries with an estimated audience of 500 million people.
The white suit Michael Jackson wore on the cover of the THRILLER album belonged to the photographer who took the picture.
On March 30th 1972, MJ reveals in an interview that he receives $5 a week allowance and spends it on art supplies.
On March 29th 1973, The Jackson 5's SKYWRITER is released. It's the first album where MJ's voice change is clearly heard.
Clothes worn by the dancers in the "Smooth Criminal" video were original 1930's vintage. Only MJ's suit was new.
On March 25th 1983, Michael Jackson moonwalked for the first time at the Motown 25, Yesterday, Today, and Forever special.
The early working title of the song "Bad" was "Pee". It was a temporary name Quincy Jones came up with,
During rehearsals for The Wiz, Diana Ross felt upstaged by MJ as he learned the dance routines quicker than she did,
At the height of the songs popularity in 1984, MTV ran the 14 minute "Thriller" short film twice in one hour, every hour.
This day, March 14th 1984, New Jersey H.S. students protest because they were banned from wearing their MJ gloves in school.
A dog was supposed to do the howls for "Thriller" but since it wouldn't cooperate, MJ had to record them instead.
During a scene in the "Beat It" video, MJ felt something drip on him. He later found out it was the blood of a stabbed victim.
MJ and Paul McCartney's "Say Say Say" video was filmed at Neverland Ranch over 4 years before MJ purchased it.
March 1st 1988, Michael Jackson presents a check for $600,000 to the United Negro College Fund.
Michael Jackson choreographed his entire performance at the Motown 25 special the night before, in his kitchen.
The most Googled word of 2009 was "Michael Jackson".
According to AT&T, when Michael Jackson passed away, it caused their largest spike in SMS history. 4 million texts per minute.
Michael Jackson, along with other black celebrities, contributed to the financing of Spike Lee's 1992 film "Malcolm X
Michael Jackson experienced his very first Christmas at the age of 35 in 1993
The "Smooth Criminal" short film was initially supposed to have a western theme
The heartbeat intro heard at the beginning of "Smooth Criminal" is Michael Jackson's heartbeat
At it's peak, THRILLER sold one million copies per week.
Michael Jackson's favorite chocolate candies were M&M's.
In February of 1992, MJ covered 30,000 miles of Africa in 11 days. He visited hospitals, orphanages, schools and churches
Michael Jackson paid 1.5 million dollars for the Best Picture Oscar awarded to 1939's Gone with the Wind.
Besides appearing vocally on Kenny Loggins' 1979 album KEEP THE FIRE, Michael Jackson also designed the cover art.
Michael Jackson's 1993 Super Bowl performance was the first time the audience figures increased based on the halftime show.
Before Michael Jackson would record any vocals, he would always go through a 2 to 3 hour vocal warmup excercise.
Michael Jackson has 2 stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in LA, CA. One as a member of The Jacksons and one as a solo artist.
All of the money Michael Jackson earned from The Jacksons' Victory Tour he donated to charity
Michael Jackson helped compose some of the music for the "Sonic the Hedgehog 3" Sega Genesis video game
The Jackson 5 were the first black group ever to tour Australia.
Michael Jackson donated 100 percent of the profits from his single "Man in the Mirror" to charity
Michael Jackson is the godfather of both Lionel Richie's daughter Nicole Richie and Barry Gibb's son Michael Gibb.