Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Michael 2010 - It is HERE!

Well not officially - but it's streaming and a few of us have 'copped' it for an up close and personal listen.

Whew this has been a bumpy road!! You talking about controversy! A song dropped by Sony called "Breaking News" set the fanbase on fire!! It was mass hysteria as everyone (well just about everyone) collectively exhaled THIS AIN'T MIKE!! The song was bumping but after it was dissected, and stripped and laid out naked and cold to the masses - we STILL don't know, lol lol The problem when the person shot for perfection and are no longer here to offer that up.

Thpugh noone particularly cares - I am THE PERSON folks turn to concerning Mike.

With that said, I've listened to it about three times and I have to admit out of all the tracks "Breaking News" just sticks out to me as being odd in sound next to the rest of the CD. When it first came out it was thumping but now I feel like they did something to it so now it really sounds 'not like him'.

I have been exposed, through the fan groups to a whole nother aspect of Mike. I'm a fan of the man himself with the music almost coming second, lol So I am a commercial release kinda person. If it isn't on a record then I probably won't go searching for it. Through them I have discovered all this work, remixes and all kinds of stuff that has made me more interested in the music of Mike, his process and some GEMS.

Behind the Mask jumped out wrapped me up and took me there! I LIVE!! that's HOT! Is that Mike at that high a range at the end?

Who is that speaking on Hollywood Tonite? Mike? Oh it's his Nephew Tarryl, Tito's Son.

All in all it's smooth. I can't even remember but two of the supposed 'fake' tracks: Breaking News and Monster and Monster didn't sound to bad, better than Breaking News.

I got caught up for a moment in wanting to freeze Mike in time and basically when he died the music died with him. it is refreshing (even though the music itself is dated in terms of when he worked on it) to hear him in the here and now.

This is a project where you just have to get from it as a fan what you need to get from it and throw away what doesn't work for you. It means different things to different people as the world is still coming to grips with his death. Surprisingly I've been singing "Slave to the Rhythm" and can't wait for someone to get that whole track. I too based on all that I've read here and snippets etc. can see if they used some of those other tracks to make a cohesive CD it would have been great. I would have LOVED a totally upbeat slightly dance based CD.

I actually feel kinda pissed at Will.I.AM and Rodney Jerkins for withholding their music for what I feel will be future it's all about me releases. If they had of really been on Mikes side they would have gotten very involved and helped to prevent Sony from having to turn to the Casico Brothers - but oh well. Maybe they will release some stuff.

I'm enjoying listening to it and will probably buy it - even though I ripped it cause I like the HOLD things of Mikes, lol