Thursday, May 27, 2010

He Is Me and I Am Him

I remember when my first husband passed (RM/RIP), it was just a horrible horrible time. His only Brother was really going through it. One day I saw him and he had basically morphed into his older Brother. It was the most interesting thing, but not something I hadn't seen before. When my Daddy passed (SA/RIP) my (sigh) Brother outfitted himself in his clothing down to his hat and 'became' him for a time. Grief is a powerful powerful emotion and has to be expressed in a very personal way - to decide how someone grieves is really putting yourself in a postion to have to much time on your hands.

Last evening - I sat watching the American Idol finale and really enjoying myself. I had been tipped off by Jackson Source that Janet was going to perform and that immediately put me in the frame of mind that event would happen about 9:52pm est. No matter WHO was on this show, she was headlining.

Then the American Idol kids began singing "Again" and I turned the TV up and got ready to see mah girl. She's always been my girl because (1) she was closest to Mike of the sisters (2) I some kinda way could relate to her especially when Control came out (3) She was my diet HERO! and (4) The Bish is just bad!!

Well she sauntered out and I went insane. Now I'm not sure exactly why but I really think that it has something to do with the proximity of 'you know what' and the fact that I am slowly slipping back down a slippery slope about that (that's another post). Nevertheless, I was real crunk to see Janet and then I saw something else...

She was giving us her best Michael. Yep, her morphing was almost complete. She took her hair in a short direction so that you could see the Jackson without any obstruction and she lost the weight and finally her voice came up one octave and had this softness that was so Mike. She has another song out, a faster song where she uses the lyrics "Don't Stop Till You Get Enough" and now this voice for "Nothing" from the "Why Did I Get Married 2?" Soundtrack.

I throughly enjoyed her performance - she brought the fire and the brimstone, flipped off all the young girls, served em and left, lol lol

I was NOT offended by her channeling her Brother and I expect more of that from her, I think it's going to beautiful. She is probably the best qualified to visually give him to us - let's be honest here, love Jermaine like a step brother, but, lol

So I was happy to see that she is reconciling whatever her and her brothers demons were and that she's in a place where he has ultimately helped her - she's focused, she's glowing, she's having a rebirth, she's getting her grown woman on and she about to STUNT ON THESE HOES!!!!!!