Saturday, May 15, 2010

I Want Destiny!

The Destiny Album was a turning point in my Jackson Journey. I remember going up to the West End Mall in Atlanta GA and purchasing the album. It was 1978 and I was 12 years old and about to enter Highschool (back then you went to HS in the 8th grade). Back then an album was what? $4.99 or so, lol Let me tell you I had to save and save and save to get that money up!

My memory is spotty in parts but as I write this I can almost feel the same level of excitement when I got that record home and cracked that plastic --- FAINT!

This was not MOTOWN BABY! This in my opinion was the perfect introduction to High School - a whole bunch of Seniors in my minds eye, lol lol Destiny was also an important album in my life because I was full of budding teenage angst, feelings and a stirring of sexual identity and Mike and his brothers spoke to me about all of that. My two favorite songs from this Album are "That's what you get for being polite" and "Destiny". This whole album was one you could listen to from the first song to the last but these were standout tracks for me at the time.

Another defining memory in the landscape of my life with Mike was the fact that this album provided me with practice in a very important area...kissing, lol The way the Album was arranged Randy was one one end and Michael was at the other end. My friend Patricia and I would sit on the couch and listen to this album and kiss our 'boyfriends' LOL LOL I still have that original album and it's cover and Randy and Mike are definitely kissed all up, lol lol

Such wonderful memories - such wonderful memories.