Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pleasure Principle

One of the reasons why I personally like Janet is because she presents herself just like the rest of us at times. She can't say no to an extra taco and thinks nothing of putting on sweats, sneakers and a ball cap and making a run to the store. Now mind you it's in a $300K car, but you know, lol

I also like her because she, like myself - cleans up hella well. I never profess to be a beauty, I've always worked the cute angle (like her) - and most times I'm a hot mess in the fashion/hair/accessories/shoe category, but as I've embraced my grown woman - I will clean up exceptionally well. So does she!

The tabloids have a ball with her because of this - we have come to expect when we see Janet rocking a size 16/18 - that she's either not on tour or she's going through something. She has MASTERED the quick meltdown and now we just wait until she finally can't do it anymore.

As a Jackson we KNOW she's had some nips and tucks but there are a couple of things I am just not buying - JANET JACKSON HAS THE HANDS DOWN BEST BREASTS AND ASS IN THE BUSINESS!!! I've seen her naked sunbathing pictures and there are no tell tell breast enhancement cuts, not even under her arms. I long for the day when she reveals what kinda bra she wears. I've come to the conclusion she goes to Walmart and gets those shelves you put up in the corner, places them in her bra and just goes for hers!! That broad can work cleavage like NO OTHER!!

Every since she was a child she was called "Donk" which is short for Donkey concerning her caboose. During her Penny days she was a child, nobody was looking (I hope not), during Different Strokes and Fame - she had the beginnings of a booty worth looking at but with that cute face - it went unnoticed. In control - she was in transition and covered in Black from head to toe - the ass was not allowed to breathe and then THIS VIDEO CAME OUT:


Where in the hell did she get all that?! Was heard around the world. From this point on, the birth of Janet's Ass was complete. It had done alot of things over the last decade, but it became the signature ass to have. You couldn't help, man or woman, black or white in exclaiming DAMN when that bad boy was given the spotlight.

The black woman and her behind have always been the subject of conversation, mystification and ridicule. I never even really noticed women's behinds since I grew up as a black girl in a black community - it was nothing new and since I didn't have one, lol lol I like to classify mine as a cocktail table when I wanted an end table. None of us have any ass or hips for that matter SIGH. I really didn't pay attention until the era of the video and the unrobing of black women on TV. Then it's like OHHHHHH.

It still isn't anything extraordinary, but a few stick out. Beyonce actually in my opinion doesn't have ass she has SHAPE and Lord she has hips and her hips to waist ratio is such that she is so freaking curvy. Trina who sings about hers all the time if we're honest (from a female perspective cause black men could give a damn) has no thigh/knee proportion and her thighs are so thick they blend with the ass (no creases) so sometimes to me she looks like a Barbie doll Shape. So basically that leaves Janet - who has creases (or creates them) so that her ass sits in a league of it's own - smiling, winking, playing games with yah, ROTFL.

Seeing her on American Idol and how she squoze in that vintage dress that had a shelf for her ass and then she went buck, threw on a catsuit and showcased it like MIDDLE AMERICA I'M BACK ON TVVVVVVVV!!! was Fantabulous.

Women everywhere rushed to Pilates this morning or their local beauty supply store to try to work on their ass.

As a special side note - I'm not necessarily I'm over what JD did to her career (let's not work and love together) - but he has played a very important role in her life that she acknowledges - he taught her how to love her body. When you dripping fine like that (in the eyes of others) and you don't believe it yourself and feel uncomfortable that folks look at you that way - there's got to be hell. I can only assume because I don't get that kinda heat, lol lol But him embracing her at size 16 or 6 and loving on that ass - has given her the whereforall to let the rest of us relish in it's beauty.

It can be real base and crass but one of the reasons the Blackwoman is the most beautiful is because of that right there - that glorious......ASS!!

Work It Ms. Jackson!